Friday, March 21, 2025

*Book Blogger Hop* Getting Out of Reading Slumps

We are on to a new week for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by the lovely folks over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. This weeks questions is: 

Sometimes, readers get into funks and maybe stop reading or feel like reading is work. What do you do to get yourself out of a reading funk? (submitted by Nicole @ The Christian Fiction Girl)

I wish I felt like I had a good answer for this question, but I don't often find myself in what I consider an insurmountable reading slump, and when I do, I don't have any skills or tricks to get out of that. I'm constantly reading more than one book at a time, so if the book currently in my hands isn't doing it for me, I just pick up a different book to read. The last time I remember being in a real reading slump was when I was still working at Culver's. I was getting burnt out on everything, and I was also doing freelance proofreading at the time, so that contributed to my burnout, and it took me a while to pick up reading again when my life eventually imploded. 

But now I'm in 13* different book clubs, so I always have a book I should be reading to finish for the next book club meeting (While I have a meeting this Sunday, I finished that book last night and have a whole week to read the next book on my list now, so I'm actually in a good spot at the moment). And while I do typically make the next book club book the focus of my reading, if it's not hitting the spot, I'll power through a few pages and then pick up something that's actually holding my attention. I'm hopeful that these methods will allow me to avoid any reading slumps in the future. 

What about you? What do you do to get out of a reading slump?

If you're stopping by from the linkup, please drop a link to your post below so I can be sure to stop by and check out your full answer. - Katie 


  1. Wow that's a lot of book clubs! I switch up my reading regularly anyway due to all the Blog Tours that I sign up for!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. wow...13 book clubs - amazing.. need to learn your tips on managing everything .. switching genres helps me as well My post is here
