12 Books of Christmas Challenge 2024

It's that time again! Time for the semi-annual 12 Books of Christmas reading challenge! I'm not entirely sure what was going on last year to keep me from doing the 12 Books of Christmas Challenge, but it's clear I'm really good at doing it bi-annually (although I'd really like to make it an annual thing). But that's neither here, no there, because we are back for the challenge this year and that's all that matters at the moment. And I'm sure you're thinking "But Katie, it's August. My kids haven't even gone back to school yet, can't we get through Halloween first?" And I understand where you're coming from. By no means do I think we should be starting to READ our Christmas books yet. I just know there are some people who plan out their reading months in advance, and this gives me time to really get the word out. Also, the publishers are already sending out ARCs of their Christmas titles, so I'm really just following their lead here. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. 

The Rules

This is supposed to be a fun, stress-reducing challenge, so the rules will be minimal.
  1. Tell everybody about the 12 Books of Christmas challenge (#12BooksOfXmas). 
  2. Build a blog post or create a Goodreads shelf of the books you intend to read for the challenge (you can see mine here). You can absolutely read outside your list, if the desire strikes, this is just a starting point. Then come back and add your name to the linkup. (Be sure to visit the other participants to see what they plan on reading.) Bloggers, please link back to this page so that others can find the challenge as well should they wish to participate. 
  3. Reviews must be posted between November 24th and December 24th. The review linkup will open on November 24th. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back and add your reviews!
  4. Any winter holiday themed books count (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.) You can check out the books we read in 2017 by clicking here, 2018 by clicking here, 2020 by clicking here and 2022 didn't have any reviews linked because even I failed on that score.
  5. There are four achievement levels for this challenge, so read as few or as many books as you want.
  6. Have fun!
Achievement Levels

Christmas could not happen without Santa's many elves, so everyone who participates will get Elf Status.

We all know about Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and the other reindeer and the important job that they do, but let's be honest, Santa probably has a couple of back-up reindeer in the stable in case Rudolph's red nose is a little runny on Christmas Eve. That being said, flying the big guy around all night takes stamina, so to achieve Reindeer Status you'll need to power through at least 5 books. 

It takes a truly committed woman to stand by a man with a job as demanding as Santa's, so to achieve Mrs. Claus Status, you'll need to commit to reading at least 9 books. 

The jolly guy in the red suit is tasked with bringing joy to all the girls and boys on Christmas day. To achieve Santa Status, you'll need to bring joy to at least 12 authors by reading and reviewing their books this holiday season. 

Be sure to post this on your blog so everyone knows your participating!

Feel free to use any of my graphics in your blog posts, on Facebook, Twitter, Insta, just please make sure to link back to this page if you do. 

Sign up here to join the challenge!
Sign ups for the challenge will remain open until Boxing Day because I'm not going to be the Scrooge to tell someone that they can't join in on the fun at the last minute. 

And starting on November 28th (Thanksgiving) you can submit your review links to the linkup below. In place of the name, please use the title and author of the book you're leaving a review for. 

And I think that's pretty much it. I truly hope you'll join me for a fun reading challenge this upcoming holiday season. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask as it's certainly possible that there are details I've simply forgotten to mention. - Katie 

Share the links to your challenge reviews here. Please use the title and the author of the book you're linking to in the name section of the form. 


  1. I shall join in! I will post about it next Sunday. I'm working on my list of books.

  2. Oh, I'll be joining in. Will do my post shortly

    1. I can't wait to see what books you plan on/end up reading for the challenge. - Katie
