Monday, January 16, 2023

*Top Ten Tuesday* Bookish Goals for 2023

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Joood - Hooligan of Platypire reviews bossed me into doing this, so I guess this is a thing I do now. 

This week’s theme is bookish goals for 2023. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get ten things out of this one, but we'll see. 

1) My first goal, which I'm currently behind on, is posting one children's book review per day. Fortunately kids books are short and fairly quick to review because I don't worry much about spoilers since the parents reading my blog posts aren't the ones the books are really for. 

2) I'm also working really hard to read Netgalley ARCs by release day, or at least very soon after. So far I'm doing well (although I'm almost a week behind on getting a review written, but the book was finished the day after release). I bought a planner and I'm writing release dates for those books in it and everything. A mere two weeks into the year and I'm doing great keeping up on that. 

3) This goal is kind of tied into the first two, but I want to get my Netgalley feedback percentage above 50% by the end of the year. If I keep up on the first goal for the whole year, I should pull it off, it'll be even better if I keep up on the second goal all year. 

4) I'd like to work on some of my massive Netgalley backlog as I can. The more I can do on that the easier goal 3 will be too. 

5) I'm trying to read 23 paperback books this year (because it's 2023), which averages out to almost 2 per month. So far I'm on track having finished one paperback halfway through the month, but we're only in January and my plans and goals have a tendency to get derailed so...

6) Reading every day. Last year I didn't read anything until August because of work-related stress and resulting depression. I don't want to be there again. Even if it's just a few pages a day, I want to read something every day this year. 

7) This year I would like to read more new to me authors. This one should actually be pretty easy to do between Netgalley and the books I win on Goodreads, I already own books by tons of authors I've never read before, so it just becomes a matter of prioritizing those books a little more over others. 

8) Buddy read with my kids. Both of my children are in middle school now, and I really censor what books they read (not that I want to buddy read erotica with them, but there are a lot of other options for us). I think it would be fun to read some books and discuss them with my kids afterwards to get their perspectives. When my son started reading the Little House on the Prairie books a couple years ago, he made a comment to me that he didn't think they were written for kids because Laura's dad seemed crazy, which made me view the books a bit differently too. 

I think that's all the bookish goals I have for the year. I'm honestly impressed with myself for being able to come up with 8 (and yes, I realize that I could have combined the first four into one goal, but that would have made it harder to get to 8 now wouldn't it?) 

What are some of your bookish goals for the year? If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and check out your post too. - Katie 


  1. Gaining control over the NetGalley monster is a recurring theme in lists today! I have a similar goal to read new approvals before their publication date and also try to clear some of the books that have been on my To Read shelf for years.

    1. Netgalley is just such a dangerous place for a bookworm. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  2. Good luck with getting your Netgalley backlog down! It seems like there are always new books to find and read.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Thanks. I'm pretty sure it's an exercise in futility, but it definitely won't happen if I don't even try so... Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  3. Good luck with your goals! They sound fun. :)

    My post:

    1. Thanks. So far I'm doing alright with them, but we're only halfway through January so I have loads of time to muck things up. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  4. I also want to read more new to me authors this year, I felt like I didn't discover as many new favourites last year and I want to find more this year.
    My TTT:

    1. When I was freelance proofreading and working full time I pretty much only read the books I was proofreading, which was still a lot of reading, but it wasn't new to me authors, and I think that sort of took the fun out of reading for me because some of the proofreads were a bit formulaic. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  5. Great goals, especially the buddy reads with your kids. Neither of my girls were big readers until after they got out of school. Have fun with it!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. My kids aren't huge readers either, but I keep trying. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  6. I love your goal to read everyday! I might try and put some time away to make sure I can do this. One of mine is to read 30 books.

    My TTT:

    1. It's weirdly the one that I think I have the best chance of achieving, especially since I typically read during my break at work every day. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  7. Several of these are the same as mine...I did catch up on Net Galley and I would like to finish the last few books on my shelf.

    1. What's it like actually catching up on Netgalley? I'm pretty sure that one's a pipe dream for me. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  8. Replies
    1. Oh that's one I'm already sort of regretting as I'm currently behind on it. I always plan on getting ahead on the weekend so I'm not scrambling to build blog posts after work and dinner during the week, and I always fail to get my brain in gear for the getting ahead thing. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

    2. There's so much to do and there's so little time! Children's books are quite short, so you could catch up by reading a few per day!

  9. I sympathize with not reading due to work stress. I had a few years (when I was much younger, in my forties) where I spent too much time and energy on a work project and read no fiction, only work related reading. Looking back, those were bad years. I hope you can read something every day, and have less stress too.

    You have some pretty hard goals going there. Have fun with them.

    1. So far I've managed to do some reading every day...but like it's still only January. LOL. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  10. Great goals for the year! I had a NetGalley one for ages and have finally clawed my way up to 92%. But I have requested far fewer than I used to, because I am trying to work on my backog and honestly, writing reviews was starting to feel like a chore so I stopped for a while. I never want this to feel like a chore!

    1. I know what you mean about writing reviews starting to feel like a chore. I make movie reviews start to feel like a chore every December when I try to review one Christmas movie per day. You think I'd learn and not do that anymore, but I don't. - Katie

  11. Those are some great goals! You've got me curious about the Little House on the Prairie books now, which I read as a kid and never picked up on anything strange, but now I'm wondering how I'd see it as an adult. And the NetGalley goal is so common among us bloggers - I think staying on top of the books is on almost every list I've seen this week (including my own). Good luck to you!

    1. Right. I loved the Little House books when I was younger and never thought Pa was crazy...but I started them younger than my son was when he started to read the first book, so maybe that's part of it. I don't know. - Katie

  12. They are good goals. I could only come up with 8 too!
    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. I'm impressed by all the people that could come up with a full ten. That was just too much pressure for me. LOL.

  13. HOT TIP!

    With the print books, check how many chapters in the book, then calculate how many you need to read per day to finish in 2 weeks or less. (Or less is obviously ideal because of holidays and what not that will dig into your reading time.) I’m doing this with my daughters book that I’m reading. She wants it back. 😂

    I’ll keep cheering you on! Especially with taking the NetGalley beast!

    1. I actually work better dividing pages and just having "I need to read X number of pages per day" in my head rather than chapters. I can stop books in the middle of a chapter no problem...or read on to the end and just be a couple pages ahead instead. - Katie
