Monday, February 3, 2025

*Top Ten Tuesday* 2024 Releases I Was Excited For But Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Joood - Hooligan of Platypire reviews bossed me into doing this, so I guess this is a thing I do now. 

This week’s theme is 2024 releases I was excited to read but still haven't gotten to. And I'd love to tell you that every book I requested and was approved for on Netgalley in 2024 was read, but that would be a damn lie. In fact, I could use this topic for several weeks, and still not run out of books that released last year without me getting them read. So with no rhyme or reason to which books I'm picking, here are ten of them. 

Mean Girl Feminism by Kim Hong Nguyen

The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern by Lynda Cohen Loigman

The Witch of Colchis by Rosie Hewlett

A Well-Trained Wife by Tia Levings

Come Out, Come Out by Natalie C. Parker

This Girl's a Killer by Emma C. Wells

The Thirteenth Child by Erin A. Craig

So there you go. Ten books I got from Netgalley that released last year that I have yet to read, even though I was so excited for each and every one of them when I was approved to read them. Why anyone still approves me for ARCs on Netgalley is beyond me, but they do. Do I intend to make these books a focus this year? In theory, yes. In reality, it'll probably be a miracle if I read and review one of them. But the year is young. Maybe I'll surprise myself. 

What books released last year that you were excited about, but never got around to reading? 

If you're stopping by from the link-up, please drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and visit your post when I'm not crazy busy with book clubs and kids activities like I will be for the rest of this week. - Katie 


  1. The Thirteenth Child looks amazing although very much outside my comfort zone of reading! 😂 I've read Craig's debut and enjoyed it much more than I anticipated though so I'm keen to check out more of her work. The Ballad of Jacquotte Delahaye sounds great too. I hope you enjoy all of these whenever you get to them. Happy reading!

  2. Mean Girls Feminism looks interesting. It is not yet in audiobook, but I've added it as a future TBR.

  3. The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern looks amazing! I'll have to add it to my TBR. I hope you'll be able to read all these books this year :)

    If you'd like to visit, here's my TTT:

  4. I still need to read The Love Elixer of Augusta Stern, too.

  5. This is a great list! I'm really curious about The Thirteenth Child too, but I didn't get to it yet either. I hope you enjoy these when you read them!

    Here's my TTT today:

  6. I'm not good at keeping up with new releases either. I hope you enjoy these when you get the chance! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  7. I need to add Mean Girl Feminism to my list. I attended a workshop and there was a session about this topic; it was pretty interesting.

  8. I think these are not really for me, but I hope you'll enjoy them once you get to these!

    My TTT:
