Tuesday, February 25, 2025

*Review* When Sophie's Sorry Wasn't Enough by Jeff Tucker


Genre: Children's 5-11 years
Published: February 12, 2024
Pages: 31

Sophie says sorry – a lot.
She says it so much, her schoolmates call her Sorry Sophie.

It doesn’t matter what mistake, mayhem, or misery she creates, Sophie blurts out a quick sorry and thinks she’s made everything right.When she gobbles up all the cookies that were meant to be shared with her little brother, she shouts sorry and moves on. When a magnifying glass is shattered because of her carelessness, she offers a casual sorry and escapes consequences. Sophie uses the word like a get out of jail free card.

But what happens when she turns Emelia’s much-loved birthday present into a shredded, deflated mess? Emelia doesn’t want to hear the same-old sorry from Sophie. She expects more than just talk. She wants Sophie to make it right.

Now Sophie is stuck. 
If saying sorry is no longer enough, how can she make things right? Is there a resolution that will satisfy everyone?

More importantly, how can Sophie repair all the hurt she caused her friend?

With colorful illustrations and a plot that young children will easily relate to, award-winning author and school counselor Jeff Tucker 
reminds readers that everybody makes mistakes, but how you respond afterward is what matters and makes all the difference. A special page written specifically for parents and educators offers practical tips on helping children use restorative practices to resolve conflicts, repair relationships, build empathy, and be accountable.

I received a copy of this book through Netgalley. This is my honest review. 

This was an educational story about a girl who believes that saying "sorry" fixes everything, until she accidentally destroys her best friend's new ball. Even though she said sorry for destroying the ball, her friend insists that Sophie needs to make things right, and saying sorry just isn't enough to do that. So Sophie works to earn money to buy her friend a new ball. 

I think the message that although you should tell people you are sorry when you've done something wrong, that doesn't mean that will always be enough to fix things is a very important message for kids. We are very quick to teach them to say sorry (or at least I was when my kids were little), but that can ignore that words don't always make things right. I'd definitely be okay reading this book a few times so that kids could learn that important lesson. The illustrations were bright and bold. 

Overall I give When Sophie's Sorry Wasn't Enough 4.0743 out of 5 stars. - Katie 

Jeff Tucker is a licensed professional counselor with experience providing mental health services to students of all ages. Jeff earned his master’s in counseling from Louisiana Tech University and received his doctorate in counselor education and supervision from Adams State University. Jeff is passionate about education, promoting children’s mental health, and social justice issues. Jeff has always been an avid reader and writer and believes in the power of books to help children thrive. Jeff lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with his spoiled dog.

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