Monday, February 24, 2025

*Top Ten Tuesday* Books Set in Another Time

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Joood - Hooligan of Platypire reviews bossed me into doing this, so I guess this is a thing I do now. 

This week’s theme is books set in another time, which would be a perfect topic for a round of Netgalley Request Roulette...but I'm not doing that. Instead I'm going to feature some of the Netgalley books I've already been approved for that are set in another time. Let's go. 

The Silver Suitcase by Terrie Todd (1939)

The Daughters of Palatine Hill by Phyllis T. Smith (Ancient Rome)

Our Own Country by Jodi Daynard (1770s)

Sister of Mine by Sabra Waldfogel (1864)

Broken Angels by Gemma Liviero (WWII)

Mercer Girls by Libbie Hawker (1864)

An Exaltation of Larks by Suanne Laqueur (1973 & 2001)

The Girl From the Tea Garden by Janet Macleod Trotter (WWII)

White Houses by Amy Bloom (1932)

The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox (1821)

And there we go. Ten books I need to read and review yet from Netgalley that are set in another time. There's definitely some themes that can be seen here for time periods I'm drawn to it seems. 

Which of these books do you think I should read next? Have you read any of them?

If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can return the visit when I can find the time. - Katie 


  1. Haven't read any of these, but just based on the covers Sister of Mine and An Exaltation of Larks look interesting. Thanks for the list (also for including the time period covered) and happy reading!

  2. Hope you'll enjoy all of these when you come around to reading them!

    My TTT:

  3. This looks like a fun selection of books. I hope you enjoy them!

  4. I really enjoy historic fiction. I hope you like all of these when you get a chance to read them! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  5. I hope you enjoy reading all of these.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  6. I would like to try White Houses some day. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Some of these look really intriguing! I'll have to take a closer look at them. I have enjoyed Fox's books in the past, but I haven't read this particular one yet. I hope you enjoy these when you get to them.

    Happy TTT!
