Monday, December 30, 2024

*Top Ten Tuesday* Best Books I Read in 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Joood - Hooligan of Platypire reviews bossed me into doing this, so I guess this is a thing I do now. 

This week’s theme is best books I read in 2024. I knew this topic was coming, and still I am not prepared. Every year I promise myself that next year will be different and I'll keep a running tally so that when it comes time for these year end, best books of the year, posts I will be ready. And every year, I don't do that. Anyone wanna make bets on whether I'm better at it next year? 

Anyway, let's see what books I rated 5* this year. We'll see if there's even ten of them because I feel like I was being a real star curmudgeon this year. Let's go. 

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
I finished this at the very beginning of the year. I haven't read Iron Flame yet, but plan to do so in January so I'm ready for Oynx Storm when it releases. 

This was another January read. I need to get the next book in the series. 

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna
I read this entire series this past year. This is the only book that got 5 stars from me, but it also reminded me that I need to space out my series reading to prevent the story from getting stale for me by the end of the series. 

White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson
This was a February read and helped to remind me of how much I love YA thrillers. 

I think Phoebe Robinson is just hilarious, so getting another collection of essays from her was great. 

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
This book has had so much hype since its release, and at least for me, it was well deserved hype. 

I started reading Somewhere Beyond the Sea, but then my library loan expired, so now I'm waiting for my turn to come back around so I can finish it. 

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
This was a re-read for me. I'd read it years ago for a book club, and then one of my current book clubs picked it this year too. It was still a 5 star read the second time around for me. 

Momma Cusses: A Field Guide to Responsive Parenting and Trying Not to be the Reason Your Kid Needs Therapy by Gwenna Laithland
Gwenna is one of my favorite parenting content creators. She's one of the ones whose content just seems real without expectations of perfection, and I think we need more of that for mothers. 

The Haunting by Natasha Preston
Natasha Preston is fast becoming one of my favorite YA thriller writers. 

The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose
Social media tells me this book is either a hit or a complete miss for most people. I don't read a whole lot of non-YA thrillers, and that may have made it hit better for me. I didn't not enjoy Home is Where the Bodies Are nearly as much as I enjoyed this one. 

The Blonde Dies First by Joelle Wellington
I have read both books Joelle Wellington has published up to this point, and really enjoyed both of them. For now, she's definitely an auto buy author for me. 

As it turns out, I had 12 five star reads this past year...I just feel like I was being a real curmudgeon with my ratings because my last five star rating was awarded at the beginning of August, which is so many months ago. I also read over 200 books this year, so only have 12 five star reads is a pretty small percentage of the books I read this year. 

What were the best books you read in 2024? Anything I should definitely add to my list for 2025? 

If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can be sure to check out your list. - Katie 


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you about Gwenna. While my kids are older (my youngest will be 17 in a month), I wish I had someone like her when they were younger to help keep all of those expectations in check. Happy 2025!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  2. Ohhh The Gilded Ones!

    My TTT:

  3. Lol I love that Momma Cusses title! I should read that one!! Happy New Year!

  4. I was so looking forward to this last TTT of 2024. Good to find so many great recs here! And I really need to read Night Circus. Wish you a very happy '25! ~Lex (

  5. Ha ha. I'm a star curmudgeon too! REMARKABLY BRIGHT CREATURES is one I've been meaning to read all year and just haven't gotten to. Hopefully, I'll get to it in 2025 and love it as much as you did.

    Happy TTT!

  6. Fourth Wing has been a popular pick this week!

  7. I can totally relate to feeling unprepared to pick your faves—it's never an easy task! This is the first year I did a reading bracket and that did make it a bit easier but the choice every month is something I always struggle with! 🤣 I loved Cerulean Sea and Gilded Ones. I hope to get my hands on a copy of A Strange and Stubborn Endurance soon cos I've heard so many great things about it. I hope you continue to discover many amazing reads in 2025!

  8. The Gilded Ones sounds good.

    Our post:

  9. Great list! I'm glad you loved The Night Circus, I read it a few years ago too but it's one of my favorites. I don't read a lot of thrillers but White Smoke looks amazing :)

    If you'd like o visit, here's my TTT:

  10. I really liked The Gilded Ones, but haven't read the others yet.

  11. Remarkably Bright Creatures was so good. I'm glad you found so many excellent books!
