Saturday, December 28, 2024

*Book Blogger Hop* New Year's Reading Goals

We are on to a new week for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by the lovely folks over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. This weeks questions is: 

Do you have any reading goals for the new year? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

I always have reading goals when we head into a new year. My first goal is pretty much always to get my "currently reading" shelf under control and keep it that way. Right now I have like 28 books started, and that's kind of a lot since I'm usually only actively reading about 5 of them, so I just need to finish several without starting a new book right afterwards. 

My second reading goal is to read 100 books. I've read over 200 books this year, but I started a new job where I can't read all the time at work, and I'm hopeful to get promoted to full time at some point within the next year, which means I'll have less reading time overall. 

Because I'm in a serious Netgalley hole that started almost a decade ago now, I'm also going to strive to read one of my oldest Netgalley books a month. While that won't do much to fix my 600 book hole, it will make me feel slightly better about myself and what I've done (or not done, rather) on Netgalley. I'm also going to try to stop getting as many new books on Netgalley, because that will go further towards helping me reduce that hole than anything. 

Another goal I have that I'm not convinced I'll be able to pull off, is reading one non-fiction book a month. I may struggle with this one as non-fiction tends to be dry and slow going for me. In addition to that, I'm in nine book clubs now, which means I'll have nine books decided for me every month as it is, which takes me beyond my 100 book goal. But celebrity memoirs do count as non-fiction, so I may be able to get at least one memoir audiobook in every month probably. 

Those are my main reading goals for the upcoming year. What about you? Do you have any reading goals for the new year? 

If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and read your answer. - Katie 

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