Friday, October 18, 2024

*Stacking the Shelves* October 19, 2024

(Titles link to Amazon via Amazon Affiliate links)

Stacking The Shelves is a feature/weekly meme run by Reading Reality in which you share the books you are adding to your shelves, both physical and virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical stores or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Now, I already have a monthly post I do featuring the books I get in the mail (and it's a lot because I have a serious Goodreads First Reads giveaway addiction), and I'm posting my monthly Read-A-Thon posts again too, which covers the books I receive through Netgalley. So my STS post will feature all the books I've been one-clicking on Amazon, winning through Goodreads giveaways, or the rare books I buy physical copies of at the store. And because I've been going crazy with one-clicking freebies lately with all my copious free time (from being currently unemployed), I'm going to sort the books on the list accordingly, and only feature a few of the freebies.

On that note, here are the books I picked up this week. 


Christmas in Harmony Harbor by Debbie Mason - I am a sucker for Christmas books, and I just couldn't resist this one when I saw it on the shelves at Walmart when I had to go buy pet food and Lunchables for my kids because they're off school this week. (I'm pretty sure my kids don't eat the pet food, but they're teenagers so who really knows.) 
Christmas on Mistletoe Lane by Annie Rains - I grabbed this one at Walmart too, apparently unnecessarily as I purchased the ebook version in 2018. But now I have the trophy for when I do read it. 
Here Comes Cowboy Claus by Diana Palmer, Kate Pearce and Delores Fossen - I grabbed this book at the grocery store, where I was buying the rest of the groceries I needed for the week. I'm getting really excited for my 12 Books of Christmas reading challenge. 
Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender - I had parent teacher conferences for my kids this week, and my daughter's middle school was having a Scholastic book fair, and she wanted to go. So of course I had to check out the books they had too. This one was just $3. 
Lord of the Fly Fest by Goldy Moldavsky - This was another book I picked up at the book fair for just $3. Even though I've never read Lord of the Flies (I do own it, I've just never read it), this gender flipped contemporary retelling caught my eye. 
A Pocket Full of Posies by Shawn Sarles - This cover screamed YA horror, and since it was only $3 at the book fair, it went to my stack. 
This Wicked Fate by Kalynn Bayron - I actually have the first book in this series/duology for Kindle, so getting the second book in paperback for just $3 at the book fair was awesome. But if we're being perfectly honest, when I got home I was a little worried this was going to be a book I already had as an ebook. I was happy to be wrong. 
League of Liars by Astrid Scholte - I really liked Four Dead Queens by Ms. Scholte, so when I saw this book on the $3 table at the book fair, grabbing a copy of it was a no brainer. 
At the Speed of Lies by Cindy L. Otis - I'm a sucker for a good YA thriller, and the cover for this book screams YA thriller. The fact that this less than 2 year old book was just $3 at the book fair is astounding to me. 
Curses by Lish McBride - This is obviously a Beauty and the Beast retelling based on the cover, and I love fairytale retellings. I did feel a little bit bad grabbing the last copy on the $3 bargain table, but my daughter said she'd read it too, and she's a student at the school so that relieves my guilt a little bit. 
Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen - I already own the second book of this series/duology as an ebook, so getting the first book at the book fair for just $3 was a major score. 
KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps by Nikolaus Wachsmann - I got this non-fiction book on sale for just $4.99. I have a tendency to buy these kinds of books with full intention of reading them and then it just doesn't seem to happen. But I at least have the option. 
Portrait of a Shadow by Meriam Metoui - I got this creepy looking book on sale for just $2.99 (no longer on sale). It might make it into my spooky reading TBR this month. 
Smart on Crime by Kamala Harris - I got this one on sale for just $1.99. While this book is 14 years old, it's still not a bad idea to have an idea about what our politicians believe, especially when they're running for President. 
Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout - I got this beauty for just $0.99 (no longer on sale). I just couldn't pass that up. 
Phantasma by Kaylie Smith - I got this one for $2.99. I don't know if that's a sale price or not because it was still that price when I was building this post, but I've heard some really good things about the book, so it seemed worth $2.99. 
Hauntingly Good Spirits by Sharon Keating and Christi Keating Sumich - I got this book of cocktail recipes for just $2.99 (no longer on sale). This is a book I'd gotten on Netgalley, but I didn't manage to get through the whole book before it was archived, so I was glad to get a copy on sale. 
The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 by Saul Friedlander - I got this non-fiction book on sale for just $4.99 (except I had $1.50 in credits from a recent purchase my husband made, so it was cheaper than that). Again, I have big intentions to read this, but it might not happen. 
Skyborn: Trilogy Box Set by Eric Asher - I got this beauty during the 2 for 1 credit sale on Audible. Since I already have the first box set in the series through Audible, getting this one was a no-brainer. 
Christmas and Other Horrors by Various Authors - This was the other audiobook I got for the 2 for 1 credit sale, because having at least one Christmas audiobook to listen to while I'm trying to read 12 Christmas books in December is a nice fail-safe for my success. Also, while I really like the cheese at Christmas time, I very much enjoy flipping the script and making it scary too. 


Nixed: A Halloween Story by Teshelle Combs - This short story may still be free. 
Temptations Unlimited by Steven Watson-Morris - This book is no longer free. 
What I Would Do For You by W. Winters - This book may still be free.
Spellbound by Avery Carter - Might still be free. It's part of the Fantasy SYK event. 
Whispers of the Past by Sophea Chan - Fantasy SYK event book.
Night of Death and Flowers by Rebecca L. Garcia - Fantasy SYK event book.
Return of Eve by Daphne Paige - Fantasy SYK event book.
Serpent's Mark by Beth Alvarez - Fantasy SYK event book. 
Twisted Bond by Katlyn DeRouen - Fantasy SYK event book. 
When Gods Fall by S.E. Bouvier - Fantasy SYK event book. 

Won on Goodreads

The Gran Bwa Forest by R. Kwinn 
Never Forgotten by Hannah Linder
The Pursuer by Eva Shaw
Dare to Disrupt by Brendan P. Keegan
Reign of Shadow and Ashes by A.R. Anderson
Blue Skies by Paula Masters
Shadows of Tomorrow by Etienne Venegas
Polostan by Neal Stephenson

So this week I clearly demonstrated that I still cannot be trusted alone at a Scholastic book fair, especially when I have adult money and a debit card. But when I can get brand new books at thrift store type prices, and it helps support the school library (at least I think the book fairs help support the school library), it's just hard to say no. I also found a lot of good deals on Amazon this week that just called out to me. 

So which of these books do you think I should try to read sooner rather than later? Which one would you want to read most? Or what books have you recently added to your shelves. 

If you're stopping by form the link-up, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can be sure to check out your new pretties. - Katie 

Join the 12 Books of Christmas Challenge Here


  1. My goodness your stack is like a library this week 🤣. I hope that you enjoy them all!

  2. Wow, that's quite a haul! Hope you enjoy. :D

  3. I hope you enjoy them all when you get a chance to read them!! Have a great weekend!
