Sunday, July 23, 2017

#MadLibMonday - Army of the Winter Court by Ali Winters

When I was growing up, I loved Mad Libs. The excitement of sort of writing your own story really appealed to me. So I thought it would be fun to mesh that love with my love of books by turning blurbs into mad libs and letting you guys write your own book blurbs. 

For anyone that doesn't know how Mad Libs work, I will ask you for certain parts of speech or other specific things (i.e.: date, age, color, etc.) which you will write down. After you have completed your list, scroll down below the cover image to find the redacted blurb. Then read through it substituting your words where applicable. Try not to laugh. (Laughing is actually strongly encouraged, because this is supposed to be funny.)

Some brief definitions of the parts of speech.
Noun: Person, place, or thing.
Verb: Describes or indicates action.
Adverb: Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb expressing manner, place, time, or degree (gently, here, now, very).
Adjective: Names an attribute of a noun (pretty, blue, large)
Pronoun: A word that can function as a noun (I, we, they)
Preposition: a word that combines with a noun or pronoun to form a phrase that usually acts as an adverb, adjective, or noun (on, after, for)

And with that, here we go.

1: Noun
2: Adjective
3: Verb ending in s
4: Noun
5: Verb
6: Plural noun
7: Verb
8: Noun
9: Adjective
10: Noun

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Published: June 15, 2016
Pages: 207

The heart and blood of (   1: Noun   ) will give rise to the final army. 

Evvie Hewett is human. Or at least she thought she was. An encounter with a (   2: Adjective   ) stranger turns her world upside down in an impossible way and everything she thought she knew about herself has changed. Her history (   3: Verb ending in s   ) the key, not only to her (   4: Noun   ) but to the future of the darkest kingdom in existence. 

(   5: Verb   ) into the middle of a rivalry between two (   6: Plural noun   ) for the Unseelie throne, she must (   7: Verb   ) who to trust, and who not to. However, knowing who to trust has never been more difficult when one brother wants her (   8: Noun   ), the other, her blood. 

She holds the key to the creation of the (   9: Adjective   ) army. Threatened at every turn, she must find the truth before she loses her heart and her life. Can she see past the lies and deception to stay alive, or will she fall (   10: Noun   ) to an ancient feud?

Now that your fun is through, here is the real blurb for Army of the Winter Court by Ali Winters.

The heart and blood of life will give rise to the final army. 

Evvie Hewett is human. Or at least she thought she was. An encounter with a handsome stranger turns her world upside down in an impossible way and everything she thought she knew about herself has changed. Her history holds the key, not only to her future but to the future of the darkest kingdom in existence. 

Thrust into the middle of a rivalry between two brothers for the Unseelie throne, she must decide who to trust, and who not to. However, knowing who to trust has never been more difficult when one brother wants her heart, the other, her blood. 

She holds the key to the creation of the ultimate army. Threatened at every turn, she must find the truth before she loses her heart and her life. Can she see past the lies and deception to stay alive, or will she fall victim to an ancient feud?

If you enjoyed this mad lib, comment with your list (if you dare) so we can all get a chuckle out of it. - Katie 

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