For anyone that doesn't know how Mad Libs work, I will ask you for certain parts of speech or other specific things (i.e.: date, age, color, etc.) which you will write down. After you have completed your list, scroll down below the cover image to find the redacted blurb. Then read through it substituting your words where applicable. Try not to laugh. (Laughing is actually strongly encouraged, because this is supposed to be funny.)
Some brief definitions of the parts of speech.
Noun: Person, place, or thing.
Verb: Describes or indicates action.
Adverb: Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb expressing manner, place, time, or degree (gently, here, now, very).
Adjective: Names an attribute of a noun (pretty, blue, large)
Pronoun: A word that can function as a noun (I, we, they)
And with that, here we go.
Some brief definitions of the parts of speech.
Noun: Person, place, or thing.
Verb: Describes or indicates action.
Adverb: Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb expressing manner, place, time, or degree (gently, here, now, very).
Adjective: Names an attribute of a noun (pretty, blue, large)
Pronoun: A word that can function as a noun (I, we, they)
And with that, here we go.
1: Verb ending in ing
2: Noun
3: Verb
4: Adjective
5: Noun
6: Noun
7: Verb
8: Adverb
9: Verb
10: State
11: Noun

Genre: YA Fantasy
Published: June 14, 2015
Pages: 300
When seventeen year-old Isis Martin is having trouble ( 1:Verb ending in ing ) due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling ( 2: Noun ), she decides to ( 3: Verb ) her fear. But what Isis discovers is something other than a ( 4: Adjective ) entity.
The human-like ( 5: Noun ) offers Isis assurance that he is not a ( 6: Noun ) of her imagination. Unwilling to ( 7: Verb ) his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself—a dare, he ( 8: Adverb ) welcomes.
It is in her dreams that Isis innocently ( 9: Verb ) upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten.
In a quaint town, deep in south ( 10: State ), this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Isis Martin's ( 11: Noun ) is sure to leave any reader ravenous for more.
The human-like ( 5: Noun ) offers Isis assurance that he is not a ( 6: Noun ) of her imagination. Unwilling to ( 7: Verb ) his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself—a dare, he ( 8: Adverb ) welcomes.
It is in her dreams that Isis innocently ( 9: Verb ) upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten.
In a quaint town, deep in south ( 10: State ), this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Isis Martin's ( 11: Noun ) is sure to leave any reader ravenous for more.
Now that you've had your fun, read the real blurb for Creatura by Nely Cab.
When seventeen year-old Isis Martin is having trouble sleeping due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling beast, she decides to confront her fear. But what Isis discovers is something other than a menacing entity.
The human-like creature offers Isis assurance that he is not a figment of her imagination. Unwilling to accept his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself—a dare, he readily welcomes.
It is in her dreams that Isis innocently stumbles upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten.
In a quaint town, deep in south Texas, this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Isis Martin's journey is sure to leave any reader ravenous for more.
If you enjoyed this mad lib, comment with your list below (if you dare) so the rest of us can get a chuckle out of it as well. - Katie
The human-like creature offers Isis assurance that he is not a figment of her imagination. Unwilling to accept his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself—a dare, he readily welcomes.
It is in her dreams that Isis innocently stumbles upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten.
In a quaint town, deep in south Texas, this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Isis Martin's journey is sure to leave any reader ravenous for more.
If you enjoyed this mad lib, comment with your list below (if you dare) so the rest of us can get a chuckle out of it as well. - Katie
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