Friday, August 2, 2024

*Monthly Update* July 2024

 Heyo! In my last monthly update, I said that I wanted to make a dent in the number of reviews I need to get written, and I actually did it! Well, sort of at least. I got 12 reviews posted on the blog last month and only read 8 books, which means for the first time this year, I have fewer books to review at the end of the month than I had going into it, and that is a win. I really should have gotten more than just 12 reviews posted last month with my week of vacation time, but in July I also went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival twice, and spent a weekend in Kansas celebrating Christmas with my family, which took me away from my computer (and my books, those things are also part of why I only read 8 books). 

So what do I want to accomplish in August? Well, I still have that giant review hole that I need to shrink, so that's definitely on my list of things I want to get done. I also want to start getting the word out about the 12 Books of Christmas challenge for the year, which means I need to get those graphics updated and build the posts for that, including figuring out what 12 Christmas books I'd like to read myself. But getting the word out is easier when I'm taking part in other memes like Top Ten Tuesday, so I need to start doing those again too, probably. I also want to finish most of the books I've already started before I start any new books (at least three, because I do have books I need to read for book club meetings mid-month). I really struggled in July to feel invested in the books I was reading, so I kept starting new books, and I'm constantly promising to never do that again and then just being a big fat liar. But I think I can manage to get three books finished before starting a new book, and then hopefully get like two more finished before starting the next book club book I need to read. And I think I'm rambling and no longer making much sense. 

Books read in July

The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose
Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington
Anvil of God by J. Boyce Gleason
Text Appeal by Amber Roberts
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Fated by Sarah Ready
The Measure by Nikki Erlick

Although I didn't make as much progress on my review hole in July as I was hoping I would, I did make some progress, so I'm proud of me for that and I'm hopeful I can maintain that momentum in August in spite of deciding I need to do thirty-six million other things for the blog in August too. I also might start posting videos on TikTok in August. I finally came up with an idea for a schtick, I just need to see if I can implement it (and like stick to it because I struggle with that aspect of things). 

Do you have any big reading goals for August? - Katie 

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