Tuesday, July 17, 2018

*Top Ten Tuesday* Favorite Novellas/Short Stories

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Joood - Hooligan of Platypire reviews bossed me into doing this, so I guess this is a thing I do now. 

Y'all, Amazon Prime Day has me all out of sorts this week, trying to watch all the deals to find the funny or useful items. On top of that, I've been having issues with my right eye flaring again, and it's been slowing down my proofreading, so I'm just behind all around. And I was doing so well at getting caught up and organized before our unexpected trip back to Illinois.

But anyway, this weeks theme is favorite novellas or short stories. I don't read a whole lot of novellas or short stories (unless we're counting children's books, which I'm totally going to do) because there are just not enough hours in the day. However, there have been times when I've used short story freebies from Amazon to get a quick read and review in to help keep my verified review percentage up (because I believe that helps me escape Amazon's review purges. I have no proof to support this other than the fact that so far I've managed to not be hit by any of them). So let's see what kind of list I can cobble together, shall we?

There was really no way you were getting out of this list without at least one Tingle book making an appearance, so I figured I might as well start off with it. 

This is an absolutely adorable children's book that I don't hate to read. 

While I enjoy all the stories in this collection, I've always been particularly fond of "Twas the Night Before Solstice." 

If you enjoy Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol, you should definitely consider reading this as well. 

I love the message in this cute little children's book.

The Misunderstood Mister Yeti by John Hinterreiter
This is a fun book teaching kids not to judge people based on their appearance alone, because what they are deep down might surprise you.

The Trash Collector by Monica Shaughnessy
I had a love/hate relationship with this story. It's told from the POV of a very unlikeable character, and jumping into the shoes of someone I dislike is not really enjoyable. But the message of the story was amazing. 

And seven is the new ten this week, because I'm getting back to stories I read in 2015, and even with my reviews, I just don't remember enough about them off the top of my head to feel comfortable including them on this list. 

So what are some of your favorite novellas or shot stories? - Katie 

*If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and check out your list too.*


  1. Looks like some fun stuff. Politically Correct Holiday Stories and The Misunderstood Mister Yeti both look quite good.

  2. Great list! I need to read a Chuck Tingle book someday because they all sound so weird.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
