We are on to a new week for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by the lovely folks over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. This weeks questions is:
I think one of the biggest book movie disappointments for me was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I understand that changes have to be made when adapting books to movies, but many of the changes made to this particular adaptation were ridiculous and just made no sense.
It (the original starring Tim Curry as Pennywise because I have not seen the recent remake yet) was another big disappointment for me. While I understand the need to simplify things to meet the budget, the fact that most of the major character's fears were glossed over rather than highlighted bugged me.
Another Stephen King inspired movie that let me down was Dreamcatcher. I just never felt like it captured the essence of the story. It just left a lot out that felt important to the story.
And I'm going to wrap up my complaining there because I don't really like being negative and even though I felt the adaptations were bad, I still enjoyed the movies themselves.
So what have you felt are some of the worst movie adaptations from books? - Katie
*If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and see your answer.*
What were your worst movies based off of books? (submitted by Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog)So there are a couple of ways this question could go. It could be movies based on books that were just awful in my opinion, or it could be movies based on books that I felt weren't good representations of the book. The latter is a little bit easier for me to answer because I can't really think of a movie I just didn't like, but I can think of several that did their books no justice.
I think one of the biggest book movie disappointments for me was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I understand that changes have to be made when adapting books to movies, but many of the changes made to this particular adaptation were ridiculous and just made no sense.
It (the original starring Tim Curry as Pennywise because I have not seen the recent remake yet) was another big disappointment for me. While I understand the need to simplify things to meet the budget, the fact that most of the major character's fears were glossed over rather than highlighted bugged me.
Another Stephen King inspired movie that let me down was Dreamcatcher. I just never felt like it captured the essence of the story. It just left a lot out that felt important to the story.
And I'm going to wrap up my complaining there because I don't really like being negative and even though I felt the adaptations were bad, I still enjoyed the movies themselves.
So what have you felt are some of the worst movie adaptations from books? - Katie
*If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and see your answer.*
Hi Katie. I don't really like scary movies. And honestly Stephen King is the reason why. My mom loved him and he gave me nightmares. Kujo (shudders) I think Harry Potter should have been a cable show to capture all it's true essence. Here's a link to my posts.
So you're telling me I probably shouldn't let me 9 and 7 year old watch It even though they've been asking to? :)
DeleteI got into scary books and movies on my own, so I got to them when I was emotionally able to handle them. I might not like them either had I been emotionally traumatized by them as a child. - Katie
I detested almost all of the Harry Potter movies... All except the first two which I think we're fairly accurate representations of the books.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the assessment of the Harry Potter movies...Azkaban was the first one where things just got all jacked up from the book, and that affected the future movies to an extent I think. But Azkaban was the one I was most disappointed with. - Katie
DeleteKatie, I'm in the minority LOL I really enjoyed the Harry Potter series movies, granted it didn't do the amazing books justice, but I personally feel with books this amazing, it'd be hard to beat.
ReplyDeleteAngelica @ Paperback Princess
Oh, I still enjoyed the Harry Potter movies and rewatch them at least once a year. I just felt like starting with Prisoner of Azkaban they weren't doing the books the justice they deserved any longer.
DeleteThanks for stopping by. - Katie
I wasn't a fan of the original IT either, and I also haven't seen the new one either. And although I enjoy the HP movies, I definitely see them as their own entity. The changes are too many for me to see them as a collection. Great answers! Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteMy Book Blogger Hop!
I even enjoyed the original It as a movie (of course I saw it before I read the book, so that may have something to do with it)...but after reading the book, it just falls a little flat because they had to leave out too much.
DeleteThanks for stopping by. - Katie
Great answer! I'm a big fan of Stephen King and horror films in general, but I have yet to see the original IT - which is weird as I'm a film graduate. However, a lot of films do tend to downplay things and cut back on plot points just to appeal to a specific audience or meet a certain budget and that can really ruin the adaptation.
ReplyDeleteI've never read the Harry Potter series either, so I can't speak much for how well the films did in portraying the books, but I don't think the films are all that bad. Obviously there's a lot of hype about them!
I totally get what you mean about still being able to enjoy a film even if it's not a good adaptation. I think it's good to be able to separate a film from a book, even if it (sometimes loosely) based on it.
As for my own answers, in the terms of adaptations themselves, I think I'd have to say I didn't enjoy the way that 'The Mortal Instruments' was showcased throughout it's film adaptation. I think the series is much better.
Feel free to check out my own answer if you wish!
- Charlotte (InkBlottings)