Friday, November 3, 2017

*Book Blogger Hop* 3 November 2017

We are on to a new week for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by the lovely folks over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. This weeks questions is:
When reading a book, do you use a bookmark to mark your place in the book, or do you just fold over the top corner of the page? (submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books)
 I feel like this is a bit of a trick question, kind of. You see, when I'm reading a book, I don't necessarily use an actual bookmark to mark my place, but I do ALWAYS use something external (a receipt, a playing card, a candy wrapper) to mark my place. I do not, under any circumstances, dog-ear my pages.

And while I'm on the subject of dog-earing pages, while I don't want my friends dog-earring my pages if I loan them a book of mine, I have no problem buying a used book where the pages have been dog-eared. I feel like that's probably kind of weird.

What about you? Are you a book-marker or a dog-earer? - Katie

*If you're stopping by from the link-up, please be sure to leave a link to your post below so I can check out your answer.*

Have you joined the 12 Books of Christmas Challenge yet? Find out more details and sign up here!


  1. I avoid dog-earing the pages - it just doesn't seem right. I do the same as you and find any scrap of paper if I can't lay my hands on an actual bookmark. I don't like finding folded corners in library books, but it doesn't bother me much, nor do I care if a used book I purchase has dog-eared pages.

    1. Yeah, it would bug me to find dog-eared library books too, because that's disrespecting someone else's property.

      Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  2. I'm a bookmarker! I love a beautiful designed bookmark. :)

    1. You know, I love pretty bookmarks, but I never seem to use them in my books. It's almost like I just get them to sit around and look pretty :)

      Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  3. I agree that if you loan someone a book they should treat it as you wish it to be treated.
    I'm very laid back with the condition of books I buy and I'm very laid back with what happens to MY books in MY possession but if I were to loan someone a book in great condition and they were to hand it back looking like it'd been through the wringer I'd be furious... Only I get to abuse my books, lol.

    1. I tell people they can break the spines of books they borrow from me if they wish (because I know I'm going to do it myself), but other than that, I expect to receive the book back in the condition they received it. - Katie

  4. I use a bookmark or whatever is nearby (receipt, napkin, scrap of paper, etc). I don't have a problem with others dog-earring pages.

    1. Others can do what they wish with their own books, although it does make me cringe a little when I see others dog-earing their own pages, just a little. - Katie

  5. I also don't like to bend the pages in my book. I prefer to use a bookmark to find my place.

    Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. It's so much tidier overall.

      Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  6. Great answer!! :)

    I ALWAYS use either a regular bookmark, or, as you've stated, any other piece of paper I have on hand at the moment. Receipts are very common for me, lol. But I NEVER, EVER fold down page corners.

    I have a lot of pretty bookmarks, but, if I've started a book, and am really into it, I will grab whatever I can to mark my place in the book. To me, folding over corners is a bookish "sin"! Lol.

    Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for commenting on my own BBH post! Sorry for the late comment back.... :( Sometimes I get behind on my comments. Happy Sunday!! <3 <3 :) :)

  7. I don't think is weird that you don't mind used books that are dog eared I am the same way with used books as well. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog hop last week and for your total understanding about my predicament of book marks always falling out in my books.
