Friday, September 27, 2024

*Book Blogger Hop* Fall Feels (September 27)

We are on to a new week for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by the lovely folks over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. This weeks questions is: 

With the changing of seasons from summer to fall in September, do you have a favorite book that reflects the essence of this transitional period or one that you enjoy reading when the temperature cools down? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

I don't really have any books that come to mind for this prompt. I'm not a big re-reader and just read whatever appeals at any given point in time (or whatever is my next book club read if I'm getting close to my next meeting). I do tend to want to read more spooky books as we head into October, but that has more to do with Halloween than cooling temperatures. Luckily, this year several of my book clubs have specifically chosen more spooky books for our October meeting to meet that desire for me. It's like a win-win. 

What about you? Is there a specific book you tend to recommend as we enter real pumpkin spice season? If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post so I can head over and see your full answer. - Katie 

Join the 12 Books of Christmas Challenge Here


  1. I am not a seasonal reader either, even though I did read a Christmas book because I love the authors.

    Nice answer, nice blog, Katie.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Really the only seasons I hit for reading are spooky and Christmas...because I want the cheese of Christmas stories after Thanksgiving. Like I have a bookshelf dedicated to Christmas books, and that doesn't even include all the Christmas ebooks I've one-clicked over the years. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I always think it is strange to spend valuable reading time reading a book I've already read. LOL Does that make sense?

  3. If time permits I usually am reading more spooky themed books or thrillers during October, and yeah, it's more about being closer to Halloween than the cooler temps. But the past few Octobers I've been reading for upcoming events, as I am this October as well, so the spooky reads might have to wait til next month! I read them any time of year really, but I always like to have a few saved for October, but it doesn't look like I will have time this year. That work gets busier at this month as well makes it hard too! Too many factors working against me! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my BBH!

    1. We just need like 24 more hours per day, so we can all get all of our desired reading done. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  4. I do like a cozy, non scary Halloween read 🤣 I get distracted by Blog Tours and at this time of the year it's a lot of Christmas themed books that catch my eye!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. See, I grab the Christmas books now, to read them for my 12 Books of Christmas reading challenge in December. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  5. I used to emphasize reading magical stories during this time of year with the kids in my school library. I am terrified of all things scary!

    1. Anything witchy based definitely qualifies for spooky season reading too, even if you can't do horror. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  6. It is similar for me--I think it's less about any change in weather and more because October is coming that may make me more likely to pick up a spooky book. I love books with magic, ghosts, witches and a gothic atmosphere year round though, so it's just another excuse to dive into those kinds of reads. :-) And like you, I am not much of a re-reader, so it's more of my reading books that fit my mood this time of year. I'm trying out a couple of book clubs at my local indie bookstore next month and both of those reads fit well with the time of year, I think. I hope you have a great weekend and week ahead!

    1. I'm lucky that three of my eight book clubs choose spooky books for our October meetings, and a fourth went with The Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score (so still sort of spooky based) and Hallowpeen (no that is not a typo) by Holly Wilde. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  7. I don't read season related books either. Hope you have a great week!
