Wednesday, July 17, 2024

*Review* Hell On High by Michael Clark


Genre: Horror
Published: March 9, 2023
Pages: 443

Prepare for adventure as Juliana, a nineteen-year-old Brazilian, finds herself forced to run from an occult overlord, leaving her sister in peril. Temporarily safe, Juliana works to save money for Vilma’s rescue—and along the way, meets Patrick, a rich-boy mountain climber with friends in high places.

Angus Addison wants to see his corporate flag on the summit of Mount Everest—carried there by the first woman in history—but the Himalayas are no joke. Failure could cost both sisters their lives.

Juliana weighs the risks and rewards—for even if she raises the cash, she still must figure a way to free Vilma from the same man she ran from—a man known to his disciples as 
The Farmer.

I received a copy of this book through Netgalley. This is my honest review. 

If you like books with short chapters, this is a great book for that. I think some of the chapters were a single sentence long. That is partially because the book rotates through the POVs of several characters. Initially, it is not at all clear how some of the characters are connected for the story arc, but the scenes do set the mood for those characters' morals.

I didn't ever really feel particularly invested in the story or in the characters lives beyond wanting Juliana to get away from her monster of a father. Once that happened, I'd pick the book up here and there to read a bit, but I no longer needed to know what happened next. The short chapters were great for that though. 

Overall I give Hell on High 2.7382 out of 5 stars. - Katie 

Michael Clark thinks "eerie" is the best horror emotion and writes stories with this in mind.

He has written four novels:

"The Patience of a Dead Man - Book One"

"Dead Woman Scorned - The Patience of a Dead Man - Book Two"

"Anger is an Acid - The Patience of a Dead Man - Book Three"

and "Hell On High" published by Brigids Gate Press

Autographed bookplates are available for free (worldwide): email

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