We are on to a new week for the Book Blogger Hop hosted by the lovely folks over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. This weeks questions is:
So while grammatical errors drive me bonkers when I'm reading, it doesn't make me want to tell the author a thing or two.
What about you? - Katie
*If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and check out your answer.*
Is there anything that drives you bonkers when you're reading a book and makes you want tell the author a thing or two? (submitted by C. Lee @ cleemckenziebooks)Yes and no. Is there anything that drives me bonkers when I'm reading a book? Absolutely. I am really bothered by books with a lot of grammatical errors in them, and I'm more particular about it than most people seem to be. This does not however make me want to tell the author a thing or two personally. For one thing, because I work as a freelance proofreader, I think me approaching an author directly about excessive errors in their book could easily come off the wrong way: not as someone simply trying to suggest they should get another set of eyes on the book, but rather as someone looking to make a buck by being that set of eyes. But beyond that, I don't feel like it's my job to tell an author directly about those types of issues in their books (unless they've already hired me to proofread for them, in which case they are asking for it!) I do still include comments about excessive errors in reviews when it's applicable (which I'm aware could also come off the wrong way with me being a freelance proofreader, but I can point to my reviewing history to show that I was doing it before I started working freelance at least).
So while grammatical errors drive me bonkers when I'm reading, it doesn't make me want to tell the author a thing or two.
What about you? - Katie
*If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post below so I can stop by and check out your answer.*
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