Tuesday, April 18, 2017

*Top Ten Tuesday* Things that Will Make Me Want to Read a Book

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Joood - Hooligan of Platypire reviews bossed me into doing this, so I guess this is a thing I do now. 

This weeks theme is things that will make me instantly want to read a book.

1) Cover. I know they say that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but we all end up doing it anyway to some extent at least. I mean, it's the first thing we see after all. There are a few different types of covers that will immediately draw me in. First, covers that are heavily blue or aqua in color are very appealing to me. They demand further attention. I'm also very drawn to cartoonish covers. I don't know what it is about them that I like so much, but they call me, and I have a hard time resisting the lure.

2) Title. I will buy a book simply because I find the title intriguing, and the weirder the better really. For instance, I may not have read Amish Vampires in Space by Kerry Nietz yet, but I've owned it since October 2015 (and it was on my wish list for a while before I actually bought it.) And I will read it one day, probably (Joood - Hooligan keeps telling me I need to) because I'm just really interested to see what type of story this title fits.

3) Controversy. Call me crazy, but if there is controversy surrounding a book, I want to know why, and I want to read for myself. Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth, for example, is one of those books I want to read because of the controversy surrounding it. (Granted, I wanted to read it before I heard about the controversy because of the blue cover, but now the controversy has increased my desire to read it.) Now this is a book that even after reading it, I may not understand what is so controversial about it, because I'm white. But reading it would put me in a better position to learn about topics or portrayals that are widely considered a problem.

4) Hype. Like controversy, I want to know what it is about a book that has everyone talking about it. A good example of this is 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James. This was a book my last book club read because we wanted to know what all the hype was about, why were women going crazy over this book. And 50 Shades didn't live up to the hype for me, but I do understand it.

5) Setting. This is more about time than place, but I want to read every book set during the WWII era, particularly the ones that take place in Europe. And this doesn't mean I don't want to read books set during other times (because I do), but seeing a date between 1939 and 1945 in a book's blurb will have me one clicking faster than you can say "Bob's your uncle."

So there are probably more things that will make me instantly want to read a book, but these are what I can think of right now. This was kind of a difficult topic for me because it's pretty easy to get me intrigued in a story, and I wanted to keep the list reasonably short (for a change).

What are some things that will make you instantly want to read a book? - Katie 


  1. Love pretty covers! Will also often read hyped books just to see what the fuss is about.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/18/top-ten-tuesday-103/

  2. I'm really with you on the cartoon covers. What is it about them that makes me instantly want to know more? I think I need to read Carve the Mark as well just to see what the controversy is all about. I had to laugh when I saw Amish Vampires. AWESOME!

  3. Apart from the cover or blurb, my insta-intrigue books are ones with creatures I don't read much about, if the setting is on a beach, and books that mentions best friends, siblings, and other none romantic relationships.

    1. Creatures you don't read much about? Like mermaids and demons? You know, I just proofread a really amazing mermaid book recently. :) - Katie

    2. Totally both haha. I once bought a book(Grounded) where the MC was a gremlin. It was a fun read, and the author's take was pretty neat. Not fuzzy little creatures, but eating after midnight made the protag sick.

  4. ROFL, I will actively avoid a book that has too much hype!! Hipster Lenore to the rescue. I'm with Ginna though, I love paranormals about rarely written about creatures.

  5. I just might have to look into Amish Vampires In Space! :)

    Lauren @ My TTT and my current giveaway (INT)

    1. I hear it's really good, and like I mentioned, I'm super intrigued by the title myself. I really am going to read it one of these days. - Katie

  6. I just read The Book Thief recently. It gave a fascinating look, I think, at the WWII dilemma that people on both sides faced. Have you read it?

    1. I am currently in the middle of The Book Thief right now. It's my reading while air drying after a shower book (because that's a thing I do apparently.) I was just recently introduced to the first Jewish character, if that helps you figure out how far into the book I am. - Katie
