Monday, September 30, 2024

*Top Ten Tuesday* Books I Bought Because of the Hype

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Joood - Hooligan of Platypire reviews bossed me into doing this, so I guess this is a thing I do now. 

This week’s theme is supposed to be books I read or avoided because of the hype, but I'm shifting it just a little to be books that I've bought at the thrift store because of hype. Most of the books on this list are books that I just bought this week (except for the last three because I needed to get to ten). So here we go, ten books that I bought because of hype (and I'm totes going to read them, eventually I'm sure). 

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
This one is honestly mostly a name recognition thing rather than the book specifically, and fortunately I have Six of Crows as an ebook. 

The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead
My Facebook wife is a huge Richelle Mead fan, so I pretty much always pay attention when I see her name on the shelves. 

The Good Girl by Mary Kubica
I see this author shouted from the rooftops pretty much any time people ask for good thriller recommendations, and since we're heading into spooky season, I just had to grab it. 

Graceling by Kristin Cashore
I managed to grab this one and Fire at the thrift store today, based purely on author name recognition.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
Do I even have to explain the hype on this one? Honestly it's more surprising that I didn't already own it because I always buy her books when I find them (I just don't often find them at the thrift store). 

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
This is another one that has gotten tons of hype on the internets, and I have Amazon Prime so I could totally stream the show after I read the book of course. 

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
This book has been all over the place. I personally anticipate enjoying this book since I've liked other books I've read by Kingsolver. But the copy I found is the large print version, so I'm going to keep my eye for another copy. 

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I'm going to be real honest here, because I was constantly confusing this book with The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle and could never remember which one I already had (so I ended up buying two copies of each). Both of them have received quite a bit of hype though, so I'm not even mad about it. 

This book had so much hype when it first released, so I was excited when I found a copy at the thrift store (with the original cover of course, not this movie cover). 

Beartown by Fredrik Backman
I feel like Backman's name is all over the internet for several different books. I really enjoyed A Man Called Ove, so I always buy his books when I find them at the thrift store. 

So there we go, 10 books that I bought simply because of hype. I don't yet have any opinions on them as I haven't read them yet. The number of them that I discovered I already own the ebook version of while building this post is embarrassing (it's over half). Have you read any of these books? 

If you're stopping by from the link-up, please be sure to leave a link to your post below so I can stop by and learn about more hyped books to keep my eyes out for when I'm thrift store shopping. - Katie 
Join the 12 Books of Christmas Challenge Here


  1. Replies
    1. First we have to hope that I find/make the time to read all of them. LOL. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  2. I love Mary Kubica! Even though she sometimes fumbles it at the end, her books are always a good read.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Oh good. I might actually read this one for spooky season even (although probably not, I'll get distracted by other books like I usually do). Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  3. From your list, I've attempted Daisy Jones and Beartown. For me, neither book worked. But I hope they work for you.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Oh that's disappointing. I hate it when a book just doesn't hit for me. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  4. I actually thought The Glittering Court really tanked LOL.I actually thought The Glittering Court really tanked LOL.

    1. Oh no! My Facebook wife will be so sad to hear that! Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  5. I’ve read 3 of these! I hope they bring joy to your reading life! Happy reading! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

    1. I hope they do too, if/when I read them. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  6. Bear Town is one of my favourite books OF ALL TIME! It's so good! Also, whatever happened to Richelle Mead? I feel like she was everywhere for ages but I haven't seen anything from her in forever.

    1. I really don't know, but now that you mention it yeah, she did kind of disappear. Honestly, I might not have even picked up the book if not for the connection to my FB wife. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  7. I haven’t read any of these but have seen The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugoall over the internet. Haven’t even read the description. I appreciate your thrifting heart.And I have also bought multiple copies of the same book, it happens.

    1. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo made it on several other lists this week too. It's making me feel like I'm actually hip for a change. LOL. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  8. I have not heard of any of these. I hope you enjoy them when you get a chance to read them.

    1. I guess we live under different rocks. LOL. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  9. Ohhh, I'd go for Beartown just for Backman! Love every book I've tried by him. Thanks for dropping by earlier!

    1. So far I've only read A Man Called Ove (currently reading Anxious People for a book club meeting this weekend though). But I also own My Grandmother Asked me to Tell you She's Sorry and Britt Marie Was Here...and I bought them all because of Backman. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  10. Replies
    1. I hope I remember that I really want to read it. That's the first hurdle. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  11. I love your twist on the topic this week. I try not to buy too many of my books because I just don't have the space to store them. But, thrifting is such a great way to grab something great for very little money!

    1. I'm lucky that I have a home office/library and a husband that loves me enough to let my books spill out into other areas of the house too. I can't wait until my kids move out and I can use their bedrooms for bookshelves too (although this is the first time I've thought of doing that, but now it's totally happening). Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  12. I've been meaning to pick up the Graceling books for absolutely ever. That batch of covers is stunning!

    1. The covers on the copies are bought aren't actually the current ones on Amazon. I like both, but I bought the books because of author name recognition, so the covers are actually irrelevant. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  13. Great list, Katie! The audiobook version of Demon Copperhead is amazing. I can't recommend it enough. I like Colleen Hoover, but Ugly Love fell flat with me. Verity is still my favorite of her books. Happy Wednesday!

    1. I really wanted to get the B&N exclusive version of Demon Copperhead, but I don't want it enough to buy it at B&N right now, and this copy is the same story anyway. I also really liked Verity, so I hope Ugly Love is less of a flop for me when I read it. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  14. These are all great finds! Funny, the two Taylor Jenkins Reid books on your list are both on my list this week as books that lived up to the hype! I hope you enjoy. I really liked Beartown too.

    1. It's always nice when books live up to their hype. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  15. They look good. I need to read a Taylor Jenkins Reid. I kept getting the Seven Husbands mixed up too. I have read the 7 1/2 lives one. It was good.

    Have a great week!

    1. I think I've read one of hers, except I don't remember which one off the top of my head. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  16. ahh you made such an interesting spin on the topic! I've read 4 of the books above and I truly believe you're gonna love Beartown, it's such a great book that covers so many important topics ♥

    1. I hope I do love Beartown, although it'll be a while before I pick it up because I'm reading another Backman right now for a bookclub, and I avoid reading the same author back to back when I can because I find the later books boring when I do that. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  17. I love how you spun this topic! Beartown!! Backman is one of my favorite authors of all time. There are so many great books on here. I hope you enjoy them when you get to them, & they lived up to the hype! Have a great week!!

  18. I've read two books (Ove being one of them) by Backman so far and loved them both. Someone left two of his others in my Little Free Library, so I happily snatched them up :) I can't wait to read more from Backman.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  19. Daisy Jones certainly has a lot of hype, I haven't been convinced to add it to my tbr pile yet... I worry sometimes the hype ruins the story. I hope you enjoy reading all your books!

  20. I actually bought Six of Crows with the painted edges because of the hype over that edition.

  21. I haven't read any of these but I hope you enjoy them.

  22. I've read and loved both Daisy Jones and the Six and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, hope you'll love them too!

  23. Hope you enjoy your finds!

  24. I love Taylor Jenkins Reid but these two books aren't even my favorites from her, so if you end up loving these, I hope you'll read her other books too! Demon Copperhead was really good too!

  25. I usually love Kingsolver's books, but for some reason, haven't wanted to try this one yet

  26. I really loved the Six of Crows duology. I didn't even finish The Grisha Trilogy and still enjoyed this one.
