Friday, September 27, 2024

*Stacking the Shelves* September 28, 2024

(Titles link to Amazon via Amazon Affiliate links)

Stacking The Shelves is a feature/weekly meme run by Reading Reality in which you share the books you are adding to your shelves, both physical and virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical stores or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Now, I already have a monthly post I do featuring the books I get in the mail (and it's a lot because I have a serious Goodreads First Reads giveaway addiction), and I'm posting my monthly Read-A-Thon posts again too, which covers the books I receive through Netgalley. So my STS post will feature any books I buy at Barnes and Noble and all the books I've been one-clicking on Amazon, within reason. For instance, this week on Tuesday I went on a free book buying binge, but I'm not going to be listing all 200+ books I one-clicked for free.

On that note, here are the books I picked up this week. All Goodreads First Reads ebook wins unless otherwise specified.

Love in the Scottish Winter Highlands by Beatrice Bradshaw - I grabbed this book as a freebie (it may still be free). 
Fables from Russia by Samuel DenHartog - This was a free book from a Facebook ad. (It may still be free.)
Fables from Blackfeet by Samuel DenHartog - This was another Facebook ad freebie (may still be free).
Fables from Scotland by Samuel DenHartog - You guessed it, another Facebook ad freebie (maybe still free).
Fables from Korea by Samuel DenHartog - Facebook ad freebie (maybe still free). 
Fables from Sweden by Samuel DenHartog - Last Facebook ad freebie for a bit (maybe still free). 
The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins - I snagged this one on sale for just $2.99 (no longer that price). 
The Haunting of Blackwood House by Darcy Coates - I snagged this baby on sale for just $0.99 (no longer on sale). It looked like a great October read, and October is right around the corner.
Run on Red by Noelle West Ihli - I got this on sale for just $0.99. I recently read another book by this author for a book club meeting, so figured I'd take advantage of this great price.
The Knowledge of Sin by Matt Calhoun
Fast Facts: Self-Esteem by Kevin FitzMaurice
Hotel Goodbyes by Stephen Jon Thompson
The Gilded Cage of Women by Jayne Catherine Conway
Christmas All Year by various authors - I'm pretty sure I snagged this one as a freebie (it still shows as free on Wednesday when I'm starting the post build). 
A Cure for Sorrow by Jen Wheeler
Little Sister Song by Sara Creasy - I think this was a book I one-clicked as a freebie too (still listed as free on Wednesday).
Once You're Mine by Morgan Bridges - I got this book on sale for just $3.99, at least I think that was a sale price because I had the paperback in my cart as one of my book clubs was talking about reading this for our October book (we picked something else) and the paperback wasn't much more than the ebook.
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman - My husband surprised me with a trip to B&N and told me I could pick 5 books. This was the first obvious choice because I just joined a new book club and it's the book for the meeting tomorrow. 
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix - This was the second book I picked. I haven't read anything by Hendrix before but I couldn't resist this one with the cover and title. 
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher - This was the third book I picked at B&N. I'm reading another book by Kingfisher for one of my book clubs this month, so I figured I might as well go all in on this author. 
The Legacies by Jessica Goodman - This was my fourth pick, and the only book I bought that wasn't a Buy One, Get One 50% off pick. The blurb is giving Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington vibes, and I loved that book. 
Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper - I agonized over my 5th pick, because it was my last shot and there were still so many books I wanted. What finally sold me is that it's got a more cozy vibe than my other selections, and I'll probably want a switch by the time I finish reading them. 
Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger - I impulse bought this book while I was at the grocery store to buy milk. 
The It Girl by Ruth Ware - The hardback copy of this book was in the bargain books bin while I was buying that milk for just $6, so I just had to get it too. 
The Highlander's Return by Lynsay Sands - This was a Goodreads win, which I don't typically comment on, but I was so excited for this ebook win, because In Her Highlander's Bed was one of the books that helped me return to reading two years ago after like a 9 month book drought. 
A Lush and Seething Hell by John Hornor Jacobs - I grabbed this book for $1.99 (but I had credits from Kindle Rewards, so it was like it was free). 
The Diva Runs out of Thyme by Krista Davis - I bought this book for full price (because it's only $4.99) because of an element on the cover that meets criteria for a reading challenge I'm hoping to participate in this October. 
Bad Reputation by Emma Barry - This was my selection for Kindle First Reads this month (none of the books really caught my eye, which is why I only just now chose one, because no way I'm passing up that perk of being a Prime member). 
When We Were Friends by Jane Green - This was a bonus free read from Kindle First Reads, so of course I one-clicked it too. 
Among the Beasts and Briars by Ashley Poston - I grabbed this book on sale for just $2.99 (no longer on sale probably) because I love a good Fairytale retelling, and this one's got a good cover. 

So that's all the books I've added to my shelves this past week. What beauties have you picked up? 

If you're stopping by from the linkup, please be sure to drop a link to your post so I can be sure to pay you a visit too. - Katie 
Join the 12 Books of Christmas Challenge Here


  1. Wow that is a lot of new books! Happy Reading and enjoy the weekend!

    1. I have a serious one-click problem. Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  2. So many books!

    I do love a freebie and so now I do my best to not look out for them - not enough time to read them all 😂

    I love The Thursday Murder Club series. I just need to read the last one.

    Have a lovely weekend and thanks for visiting my Blog 😊

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    1. I don't seek them out, they find me! Free books are literally hunting me down, I can't escape them.

      I got The Thursday Murder Club for a new book club (the meeting was today) I've joined after telling my husband I shouldn't be joining another book club while I'm unemployed because it means spending even more money on books for monthly meetings. I'll probably put holds on the next books in the series on Libby since I can read them not on a deadline.

      Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  3. WOW!!!! That is a lot, congratulations! I hope you enjoy them when you find time to get to them ;)

    1. I know. My purpose in life is to make other people feel better about their book collecting/reading habits (or to make them look better to their partners because "Look at how crazy this lady is!"). Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  4. Wow, that's a ton of books to get in one week, I hope you enjoy them!

    1. Oh, just wait. Since I got my monthly allowance from my husband (because I'm currently a participation trophy wife) I'm planning on heading to the thrift store this week, to see what I can find there that catches my eye. It won't be pretty.

      Thanks for stopping by. - Katie

  5. They both looks great. Love that first cover.

  6. I loved The Laegacies. Most of Goodman's books are hits for me.
