Thursday, January 1, 2015

*Book Bingo Challenge*

Stephanie over at Thoughts From the Midwest blog put together this book bingo scorecard for this challenge. It has been adapted from the version used for 2014, with a few minor changes. You can see her post about it here. 

Looking at this scorecard, I noticed that there were several overlaps with the Popsugar Reading Challenge that I'm already attempting this year, so I figured I might as well give it a go too. I did have a couple of questions about the scoring though. Since I'm friends with Stephanie on Facebook they were promptly answered. 

I was mostly confused about the TBR and Series columns. They seem easy enough just looking at them, which led me to believe that there most be more involved than I thought. I was right about that. You will not read a simple five books to complete the TBR Pile column. To get that column completed you will need to read a total of fifteen books (one for the first block, two books for the second block, etc.) and the same goes for the Series column. I'm sure by now you realize that also means you'll ultimately read three new releases (although I bet y'all will have no problem with that) and three re-reads. 

I have not planned out the books I will be reading for this challenge yet, at least not beyond the ones that will overlap the Popsugar challenge (like since I have the list already almost finished my TBR pile column is planned!). I do know that the series column is going to be the big thorn in my side for this challenge. 

I will update with my progress on this challenge periodically, basically when I think about it probably because that's just how I roll. 

Make sure you check out Thoughts From the Midwest blog post for the full rules. But most important, happy reading. - Katie 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're joining in Katie! I hope you have fun!
