Sunday, September 8, 2024

*Monthly Update* August 2024

This stack of books is all duplicates I found
while adding books to my Libib. 
13 year old daughter for scale and stack balance.
Howdy y'all. I'm only a week behind in getting this post written, which means I'm basically right on time in Katie's blogging time (it's a new thing I just created because it makes a solid excuse for why I'm always behind on things). My August did not go as planned. While I did get my 12 Books of Christmas reading challenge post created, as well as getting my own list started by playing a rousing game of Netgalley Request Roulette, and started partaking in the weekly memes I usually do (Top Ten Tuesday, Stacking the Shelves, and Book Blogger Hop), I wasn't consistent with the memes, and I didn't get a single new review written and posted to the blog. I also didn't finish a significant number of books before starting new ones (although most of the books I read in August were for book club meetings or audiobooks, so by that point I didn't have much choice in the matter). I'm currently considering stepping back from some of my bookclubs, because simply being in them is making reading feel a little bit like a chore (because of all the "assigned" reading they involve), although I think if I can just start squeezing in more books that I just want to read between the book club books I should be fine. The other thing I got accomplished in August was finally getting most of my books scanned into Libib (so I know what books I own) and back on my bookshelves where they belong. In the process of that, I discovered a whole bunch of books that I had duplicates of because they looked good more than once when I was book shopping at the thrift store. This was an important task, because I knew I owned copies of two of the books for my book club meetings this month, but I didn't know where they were (and since they weren't already scanned into Libib, I knew they weren't on my shelves yet). Naturally, I found one of them when I was almost to the end of my boxes of books, and the other was at the bottom of a more recent stack of books that I just hadn't gotten scanned yet. But the important thing is that I found them in time to read them for my meetings, and now that task is done (except it occurs to me that I need an additional system of book tracking so that I know which shelf each book is on, so that may be something I work on in September while I'm unemployed). 

In September, I should do better at the blogging thing, because I turned in my two weeks notice at work and don't currently have another job lined up (which means I also need to get serious about job hunting, but once you submit applications it becomes a waiting game). I hope to start being consistent in participating in the memes again (and never ever ever ever stopping again, but I know that's a pipe dream), and just really knock out some book reviews. I'd also like to get things set up for the TikTok videos I want to do, but that requires organization that, let's be real, I'm not sure is a thing I possess. But if I can just write and post more reviews than books I read and consistently participate in the weekly memes, I'll consider that a win for the month. But that's enough rambling out of me for now, let's check out the books I read in August. 

Books Read in August

The Blonde Dies First by Joelle Wellington
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King
The Only One Left by Riley Sager
The Institute by Stephen King
Celestial Academy: Essence by Olivia Pharos
Moon Dust in my Hairnet by J.R. Creaden
Gray After Dark by Noelle W. Ihli
All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker

Actually looking at my list, only four of those books were for book club meetings specifically, but I had to finish Doctor Sleep so I could read The Institute (because I can't read two Stephen King novels at the same time), and two others were audiobooks. And the book I'd say I most enjoyed was The Blonde Dies First, and that was neither for book club or an audiobook. Which shows me that I really do need to try to fit in more books that weren't a book club selection. 

How did your August reading look? Got any big plans for September? - Katie 

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